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Veteran’s Handbook

By |2019-06-23T12:48:42-08:00June 23rd, 2019|Legal Advice, Military|

I’m writing this Veteran’s Court handbook for current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces who reside in California. In San Diego County alone, approximately 600,000 of the 3,300,000 residents are either current or former members of the United States Armed Forces. There are no Air Force or Army bases in San Diego County. [...]

A Professional Investigator Equals Successful Defense

By |2019-05-21T23:57:53-08:00April 10th, 2019|Investigations, Legal Advice|

A Professional Investigator Equals Successful Defense Your defense lawyer absolutely must use an experienced and skillful professional investigator, preferably an ex-police detective, who has learned how to be a master interrogator and interviewer. The investigator’s mission is to find crucial defense witnesses, interview them and prepare sworn statements establishing reasonable doubt. If the police identify [...]

How To Choose The Right Lawyer

By |2019-05-21T23:07:34-08:00February 11th, 2019|Legal Advice|

Criminal defense lawyers come in all shapes and sizes. Some have smiling faces on their homepages conveying a feeling of friendliness and warmth; others look lean and mean, like a guard dog ready to pounce on any intruder that comes on the property. But which lawyer is the right one to defend you in [...]

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